Government Relations

Lt. Col. Jeffrey Wiswell

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Government Relations Staff

Legislative Relations Officer (WIGRLR)
Lt. Col. Ronald Houser

Duties of the Government Relations Officer

  • Advises and assists the commander in the areas of state appropriations and congressional activities to include:
  • - Keeping congressional delegations informed on CAP activities.
  • - Maintaining liaison with local and state government officials.
  • - Monitoring legislation on matters affecting CAP..
  • - With wing commander’s concurrence, initiates and monitors wing fund-raising activities to include the obtaining of grants from major industries within the wing.
  • The Government Relations Advisor should be familiar with the Civil Air Patrol Constitution and Bylaws; CAPP 110-1, Federal Statues Affecting Civil Air Patrol; and all other legislation affecting CAP at local and state levels. Should also be familiar with current CAP regulations on fund raising activities.

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